
Heidi Vesterinen

Last week Farm to Table was held in southern Chile. The program gave participants exposure to leading exporting animal food production systems, and site visits focused on international trade standards and emerging issues in food safety related to the Chilean salmon and cattle industry.

CAHFS-affiliated faculty Dr. Karin Hamilton and VPHPM resident Dr. Jacob DeVries have been in Kosovo this month leading a workshop "From the Farm to Table - Poulty Production" with the University of Prishtina. Various University of Minnesota (UMN) departments have entered this partnership project with World Learning in order to work with the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary at University of Prishtina, Kosovo (FAV UP) with the primary goals to help develop, strengthen, and sustain a modern academic program for agriculture, food systems and veterinary education.


As many countries lack key professional institutions, staff, and skills to identify, track, and control dangerous animal diseases, a University of Minnesota program, ProgRESSVet, is helping to build professional capabilities in several Latin American countries.