Dr. Galaxia Cortés-Hinojosa will join CAHFS for the next event in the Hueston Speaker Series on Thursday, August 22, with a talk on “Viruses in Wildlife: from evolution to ecology."

Gus Brihn

It has been over three years since the British referendum to leave the European Union. Since the referendum on June 23, 2016, the UK have gone through two prime ministers and numerous Brexit deal rejections and now the newest captain of the ship is Conservative Party member Boris Johnson.


Gus Brihn

On July 16th, Dr. Irene Bueno-Padilla of the University of Minnesota and Joshua Burman of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency gave a presentation on antibiotics in the environment. The presentation was part four of a five-part webinar series hosted by the Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association and Minnesota One Health Antibiotic Stewardship Collaborative.

Gus Brihn

After the smoke settled from the 4th of July fireworks, health officials started receiving calls reporting vomiting and diarrhea after boating near a popular gathering spot on Lake Minnetonka. State and Hennepin County public health investigators have interviewed 225 people. 172 of those interviewed reported symptoms.

Lauren Bernstein

In veterinary school, I was among a handful of peers interested in pursuing nontraditional veterinary career paths. We often rallied our classmates to recognize the application of One Health frameworks in our future careers; we were trained in a unique profession in which we could become advocates for or experts in food safety, regulatory medicine, One Health, ecosystem health, and the human-animal bond even within the walls of a small animal clinical exam room.


Our monthly series of CAHFS Spotlights highlights our residents, graduate students, faculty, and staff. This month we're spotlighting Dr. James Kincheloe, one of our veterinary public health and preventive medicine residents.

Lauren Bernstein

Hennepin County Public Health and Minnesota Department of Health officials are investigating illnesses among Lake Minnetonka boaters who reportedly became sick following Fourth of July celebrations. Officials have responded to over 200 calls from individuals who reported vomiting and diarrhea after spending the holiday on the lake. At least half of these individuals spent time around Big Island and several sought treatment for dehydration.

Lauren Bernstein

Last month, a central Iowa man was charged with five counts of animal neglect in what the Animal Rescue League of Iowa called the worst animal hoarding case it has seen in over a decade. Authorities found 300 cats in the man’s home, nearly 200 of them dead, plus toxic air quality and six to 12 inches of feces covering almost every visible surface of the home.

Lauren Bernstein

The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) will offer two free workshops later this month to explore mental health issues unique to farm youth and equip attendees with the tools to support rural families impacted by the financial and emotional stresses of farm life.