Starting this week, visit CAHFS Emerging Issues for downloadable content from our new series ASFConversations, highlighting just-in-time topics about recent African swine fever outbreaks.
In the first episode in the series, Dr. Jerry Torrison, director of the Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, and Dr. Stephanie Rossow, veterinary diagnostician in the Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, discuss the processes in the diagnostics of African swine fever and the resources available at the Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Lab.
In episode 2, Dr. Montserrat Torremorell and Dr. Gustavo Lopez of the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine discuss the experience of working in the 2014 African swine fever outbreak in Russia.
Other materials in the site will include interactive maps and timelines to track the origins and path of African swine fever since its observation in 1909. The page also features fact sheets and educational materials from the World Organisation for Animal Health, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, European Union ASForce, and the Swine Health Information Center.
ASF Conversations and ASFWatch is produced by the Center for Animal Health and Food Safety with support from the College of Veterinary Medicine Swine Group, Swine Disease Eradication Center, and the Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory.